Monday, September 18, 2006

More LOs

Above LO is my first LO created for retrodiva's personal CT..woohooo I am so excited to be on her team.
This is Kai and I having craft time together.
Credits: retrodiva~Spice Latte & Becky Fleck Sketch
Above LO is Kai and Aunt Kelly (my bestfriend) after school (15/09/06)
Credits: Peppermint Creative/Miss Mint~Oopsey Doodle Element Pack
Above LO is Mrs. Mitchell Kai's Teacher.
Credits: Gina Cabrera~Bookworm Mega Kit & Snippet Essentials~Beaded Beauties
Kai and his Dad walking up to school on Kai's first day (08/09/06).
Credits: Gina Cabrera~Bookworm Mega Kit & Becky Fleck Sketch.

1 comment:

jburkhart said...

Hi Karon! Awesome new layouts and love the Shania music......have to get that's a good one!

Speaking of've been tagged! Check out my blog for directions if you would like to do it!