Saturday, February 03, 2007

Way To Long

I know since I posted last. A lot has happened over the last 4 months. I moved in to a fair size 1 bdrm with my son. I am finding it a lot "harder" then be4 because even with a room-mate I didn't do everything kwim. Now its just me and LOVING it....=P

Kai and I were both sick for over 1 month. Everytime Kai got "better" I would send him to school and he would just come back with the cold again. Finally mid December a few days b4 xmas break I didn't send Kai back til break was over. so almost a full month at home just so he wouldn't get sick again. There were a few of the kids that were coming back to school daily even with them "tossing their cookies" everywhere. I am so glad that this cold over...=P

Nothing else really postable for my blog readers but lets just say it's not been a good 4 months of me being MIA to my duties and responsibilties on the net. I haven't been around much and hoping with what looks like the worse is over. I can slowly get myself back out there in the communities and working on my LOs etc...Fingers

Here are some new LOs.....=P

I know a Halloween LO...LOL...its been a while remember...=)
Credits: Peppermint Creative~Casual Fridays

{Thankful For Having An Uncle To Hold My Hand}
Beaverton, Ontario for Thanksgiving Dinner!
Credits: retrodiva {designs}~Pretty Enough
I believe my sister Dawn/ScrapnShamrock took this photo...=P

My Friend Tarrah and her son Jaden. Loving my new camera...=P
Credits: retrodiva {designs}~Charlotte

Kai's gift to my sister {mim}..=)
Credits: retrodiva {designs}~Carrie Kit
FB Mistletoe {Melissa Baxter}

1 comment:

Angela said...

Sure hope you are doing much better now. Love all your great pages on the blog! BTW, thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. :)