Friday, April 13, 2007

Sweet Shoppe's Blog To Mine!

Here we go with another quiz from Lauren Grier!

question #1 who’s your dreamy dreamy steamy hottie (and hubby’s don’t count) don’t just answer.. post up a picture, I need eye candy!

First to pop in my head is my latest music "discover" for my exercising..I LOVE dancing around like crazy to AKON's music!

question#2 what is the goofiest thing you’ve said/done this week?

I say something "goofy" daily can't keep

question #3 If I (or some random other person, as I can’t really answer this properly otherwise haha) walked into your house RIGHT NOW, what would embarrass you the most (be it an item, a mess, your fridge.. whatever)?

My kitchen..OMGISH I would be so embrassed..I usually do my dinner dishes b4 bed but not last bed needed 8 hours sleep.

question #4 what creepy things do you have living (or growing.. ) under your bed (due to lack of cleaning of course )?

Nothing....Clean FREAK here everything has a place.

question #5 have you ever done a drive by fart in the super market? Did anyone notice?

Yes I have {one of those OOPS I tooted kind) and YES someone noticed...I just walked a bit quicker down the aisle...EMBRASSED of course!

question #6 Finish this sentence… If I were a duck__________.

I would swim all day in my pond.

question #7 google it … dude do it! ” your name is” __

Karon {car-on} doesn't have a meaning...only Karen and that is NOT my name.

question #8 what colour are your underwear?

Pastel purple, pink, blue, green with DRAGONFLIES {the different colours, strips is the base colour}

question #9 if you could be with anyone right now, who would it be? why? (I’m not talking dirty here people.. stay with me, focus! lol)

No idea for this question!

question #10 close your eyes, what do you see? (well, not SEE see.. obviously, work with me, it’s 230am)

My monitor still "shining" in my eyes...=P


Lauren Grier said...

:D Thanks for playing

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Akon did you see his nasty concert in the bahamas? check YouTube if you its dirty

mighty morphing mom said...

Cute questionnaire! And his is very fine. wow.

Anonymous said...

Got teh link to your blog from to do this quizzy thing and post it on my blog! Have a great day!