Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sweet Shoppe's Blog to Mine

Here are the questions from March 23rd:

Amazon or brick and mortar? Brick & Mortar
Bookmark or dog ear? Book Mark… dog earing seems so destructive! {keeping Ange's answer}
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? By author then alphabetized. My V.C. Andrews go by "number" and then in the series they are read.
Keep, throw away, or sell? Give them away. I only keep my most favorite books! {keeping Ange's answer}
Keep dust jacket or toss it? Keep its on while sitting on the shelf
With dust jacket or remove it? Remove it....I'm another one for perfect looking books...I dont even bend the book much when reading...Can't crack the spin...=P
Short story or novel? Novels....have read a few short stories!
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Harry Potter
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? Both - If I can "feel" it coming I usually stop at a chapter. There have been times where I'm falling asleep with the book in my hand and have to try to put the bookmark in with my eyes!
It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? It was a dark & stormy night! Once Upon A Time with my son's books.
Buy or Borrow? Buy and Borrow!!! My last 5 new books were bought and my ex-MIL still gives me the books her boss reads and passes on. I dont usually like all of the selection given, but do pass them on to others.
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? Browsing
Tidy ending or cliffhanger? Tidy ending
Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading? Nighttime, Afternoon or Mornings. Whenever I pick it up really. My son is pretty good, as long as I read out loud a few pages. He'll go off and do his own thing and let Mommy read on her own.
Stand-alone or series? Both
Favorite series? Haven't actually read the books {yet} but from the movies I would say this one. This series looks like a GREAT read.
Favorite children’s book? James & The Giant Peach came to my head when I read this question..=)
Least favorite book you finished last year? Have been reading the book below for a few years now....=(
What are you reading right now? Dean Knootz: From The Corner Of His Eye
What are you reading next? Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt {borrowed from my aunt}. If I dont get into it. My next 2 choices are Dean Knootz Brother Odd {from Jennilyn's blog} or Odd Thomas {from Brandy's blog}


Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

oh I like this questionaire! I might have to steal it, lol. You sound like me, I love books!

Anonymous said...

You didn't say what the series was that you will probably like! :)

I think VC Andrews is the author I have the most books from. I remember reading them when I was a teenager and thinking maybe I shouldn't read them because of all the dirty stuff that goes on. LOL Haven't read anything new in a while, but I still love the old ones. LOVE the "Heaven" series!

Mojo said...

What a fun questionnaire, just may have to run away with it too.